February 7, 2007

Going Corporate

I finally did it! I left the construction firm where I was working for the last six years and joined a major accounting firm. Although, I feel as if I haven't left my old job yet I am becoming fully immersed in the world of accounting. My first two days of orientation and meeting people went rather well and today after an hour and a half lunch with my co-workers (company paid) I began working on my first project. Of course, I saved to the wrong directory, or rather a nonexistent directory and I had to do it all over again, but "you live, you learn."

To begin with, all I could say Real World is a lot different than what you learn in school. With my old job it was quiet the opposite, but working for an accounting firm, well the learning curve is not a curve it's a vertical. I saw an organizational chart today that was probably more complex and involved more areas of taxation than my full Master's program, but like I said, "you live, you learn."

I'm off to do some work related research...talk about logging in the hours and these aren't even billable. I'll try to post more, but please, pretty please give me some feedback!


  1. well to try and be nice .... good luck and god's be :)
    Hope you enjoy your corporate career, from the fact that your lunch was "company paid" sounds like you'll like your job and at least will gain some weight :)
    All I can say, is enjoy and have fun!!!!! good luck !!!!

  2. Hey like I said before if you want to move forward you'd have to make this leap sooner or later. I think you made the right decision and it will definately pay off in the future. Good luck and have fun.
