November 5, 2008

I'm tired of politics. . .

In response to a blog post, written by an African American peer who is so proud that Obama is now president. What does it have to do with her? What does it have to do with anyone - hard work is rewarded. Chris Rock said it best.

The president elect should be elected based on his policies and what he can do for his country and not the color of his skin, his gender, his age, etc. Minorities are the majority of this country and I hope that Obama won on his merits and not his skin color. Even though, I am more conservative than liberal, I agree with a lot of Obama's policies and strongly admire his leadership skills. I don't care that he's half black or half white. I don't care that he has a Muslim name while he's a Christian. I don't care whether he's a man or a woman, I care that he will do good for this country as a whole, not just the poor and not just the rich. I hope he stands by Israel as promised, I hope that people that work hard get rewarded. Social reform is necessary, but should be based on necessity and the urine test. I went to Business School, I don't care about the details, I care about the bottom line.


  1. the point there that he won despite his skin color not because of it.. you don't care b/c you are nice educated girl from ny, but lots of other ppl who are not so nice and educated, do care. even i care to some extent.. is it a good thing or not so good, we are yet to see. for now it seems everybody are celebrating:)

  2. You view it as he won despite his color, others voted for him solely based on that and not his policies. That's wrong. It shouldn't be skin deep, but for a lot of Americans it is. That's the problem. Celebration or not, this country needs change. I just hope that it's a change for the better!

  3. some voted for him because of his color, and for each one of them there probably was another one who voted against him because of his color. the majority of people are pretty simple like that. however this time it seems there were many who voted for him despite his color - people like me, but who actually voted unlike me;)
