December 1, 2008

Turkey Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other musings

So the long weekend came and went (rather quickly, if only the weeks flew by like that). I had big plans for getting things done (like my laundry, for example) and of course, no such thing happened. I had two turkey dinners with family, played Buzz (the modern version of Trivial Pursuit), ordered in sushi with friends (twice), saw a movie, got done with the first draft of CR pix and just bummed out at home -overall a successful weekend. I did no shopping as I think you have to be close to suicidal to shop on Black Friday, but I did manage to snag not one, but two pairs of Choos at Saks today for a ridiculously low price. Of course, I'm uber excited and uber tired as busy season doesn't seem to end and I'm forced to watch SATC reruns into the wee hours of the night as no new episodes of Lipstick Jungle (please don't cancel it) and Starter Wife did not air on Friday (not only do the shows run on the same day, but they have the same days off!!) I think that was the longest run-on sentence imaginable. Oh well. I speak what's on my mind. Well, no. I have a bit of tact and respect for people I associate with and I'm long past airing my dirty laundry to anyone with a sense of smell. The mundane things I can blog about, the personal, well that stays personal.

As for my laundry, hopefully I can get it done today because considering that I have another flight to catch this weekend, a few birthdays to celebrate and a plethora of work and pre-training, as usual I'm short on time. The propeller in my behind may not work nearly as fast as it used to and now I may actually enjoy spending a day laying on the beach doing nothing or even a day bumming out at home, I still love the hustle and bustle. That's why I love NYC. There's always life in the city, there's always commotion, there's always something going on and no matter how many bolts there are on your door, how tightly you close your blinds or how hard you try to push the world out, there's still life peaking through. Even though, you want to run from everyone and everything, there's always someone knocking at your door. It's only your choice to answer it, however.

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