March 5, 2010


The first year of life is usually that of many milestones. As our friends are having kids and we'll be attending five 1st birthdays in the next month, we've witnessed firsthand the milestones in the first year of life - sitting, eating, standing, first teeth, first steps. In the first year of death, however, there are also many milestones that you have to overcome. It's your first birthday without your loved one, your first new year, your first year "celebrating" that person's birthday without them. Eventually, it'll be the birth of your first child without them. It's about remembering and yet about moving on, somehow. Today, would have been my parent's 27th wedding anniversary. Next month is my mom's birthday. Each day is one more day that she's not here, that I miss her and that I have to learn to live with only her memories.
March 5, 1983
(unfortunately, 4 people in this photograph are no longer with us)

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this. I lost my sister ten years ago to cancer, and this 31 of March is the anniversary. I thought each year would get easier, but it's actually harder as time goes by and more and more things happen without her.

    I suppose it is all the memories that keep our loved ones alive in our hearts.
