June 18, 2010

A Sad Kind of Proud

Today is 10 months since mommy is no longer with us and besides all the other craziness in my life now, that is the one that takes precedent over everything.  It consumes me because I miss her so much all the time.  I'm trying to finalize her monument for a week now and everything looks wrong and no words and no slab of stone can ever do her justice.  Looking for a Chai (חי) design is proving extremely difficult as there's not much choice and nothing looks right.

Ironically, yesterday, after a first Girls Night Out (with a smaller turn out then expected, but we all have to start somewhere), I received the following letter from the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  More ironically still, is that August 5 will mark 8 years since my maternal grandmother has passed.  I'd like to that all of you for your kindness and support, whether it be through email, joining me in the race or through your generous donations.  The race doesn't stop however, we have to keep walking until we find a cure.  We have to save every 8th mother, daughter, sister and friend.  I invite you to join us in this year's race and to support our team either through your donation, volunteering your time or having a portrait taken by Lina at Lasting Memories Photography with all proceeds going to support our team.

Thank you again for remembering and for your support.

<3 Me

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