August 15, 2007

Busy Again. . .

As I've received a few complaints about the lack of new material on my blog. I decided to write a few lines, although I really should be catching up on my beauty sleep. Well, I haven't been home and I've been busy at work so no time to really update and as it's busy season #2, I'm working like a horse, yet again. Yesterday, was not too bad I finished at 8:30 and today at 10. So, for the next two months, please have your people call my people and we'll schedule an appointment. :-)

As one of the partners put it bluntly in a meeting today, I expect that everyone is working 60 hours a week, 6 days a week - so fuuuuuun stuff. On a brighter note, my parents are finally doing something to their apartment, although not much. What's next? Maybe, cable? I guess that wasn't all too bright.

My dad's 60th birthday went well, although not as well as expected. Here are a few pics. Until I find a free minute or actually make it home, enjoy:
s detkami :-)

why does my sister always come out better on pictures than me? :P

mama rodnaya, lyubimaya
my silly uncle :-)

The Birthday Boy!

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