March 5, 2008

my work, my life

I always liked numbers and was never afraid of hard work. I always liked nice things and found a job at age 15 to have the sweet 16 that I wanted. I always valued interpersonal relationships and tried my best to be a good friend.

I had a family. I used to make dinner almost every night and do laundry and clean the house and now my food intake is reduced to company bought dinners at a whopping $16 cap. I was always out and about surrounded by friends. I was the go to person for planning a night out, referring a restaurant and just generally making plans. Now, as I'm in a stinky car service car at a quarter to one (yes a.m.) I feel that besides work, I have nothing left - just me and my job.

This is not a coupling I am too fond of. Considering that I wouldn't as much as pick up a book on the weekends, I am now working seven days a week. No time for me is fine, I'm used to that, but no time for anything or anyone else?

I'm "home." Erf.

1 comment:

  1. I mean if its not you, or 1000s of others who are working to produce "nothing" so to say, who will produce that "nothing"
    Indian, chinese, pakistani laborers?
    but no matter what you do... "I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker."
