January 20, 2009


My biggest pet-peeve is feeling underappreciated. That means in terms of everything - relationships, friendships, work, etc. Is it really that hard to say "thank you"? Is it hard to let someone know that you know they took that extra step? Everyone has been and has taken
someone and something for granted. I don't need a monument, nor do I deserve one for anything I have done up to this point in my life (let's revisit in a few years), but sometimes a simple thanks would be nice. I'll be back at my thankless job tomorrow (even if I lived there, which I practically do, it still wouldn't be enough)!

Because I don't say it enough either, thanks to those of you that read my blog out of courtesy and that read it out of curiousity. Thank you to those who have it bookmarked in your phone, in you RSS feeds or just check it from your i-phone. Thank you to those who follow it religiously and to those who follow randomly and thank you to those reading for the first time.

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January 16, 2009

It's been a while...

Hello my dear subscribers, avid readers and random blog junkies! I'm back. 2009 is finally upon us and thus far it has been no better than 2008 - death, war, busy season. Some of these events have touched me personally, others just fit well into the sentence. I've spent a wonderfully cold day in Paris and it was everything that I expected itto be. I fell in love with the city of love! Although, my follow up week in Paris didn't happen this time around, I know I'll be back and fall in love all over again with all the sights and sounds and even the not so pleasant French.

I spent two and a half weeks in Israel and that has been an interesting experience to say the least. Of course it is not my first, but my fourth time there so all touristy activities were
scratched off the list. I did want to go to Jerusalem (I even wrote a note to put in the wailing wall while still in Brooklyn) but all events combined prevented me from making that trip. I love Israel. I love the people and more importantly I love my family and friends that are there. We didn't spend nearly enough time with most as we would've liked, but it was nice to see everyone, catch-up, reminisce, laugh and cry.

On the second weekend of our arrival Israeli troops entered Gaza. We found out as we were on the train from Tel Aviv to Nahariyya when a soldier picked up his "peliphone" and started talking Hebrew, he then asked whoever was on the other line if "they've heard the news?" in Russian and just when my ears perked up to listen to the news he switched back to Hebrew. We found out soon enough. Israel is an interesting place because for a country of such miniscule size you don't know that you're in a nation at war unless you're directly in the warzone. Such was the case when 4 rockets were dropped on Nahariyya on January 8. Fifteen miles south and 2 hours later it seemed as if nothing happened. Does that mean that people get used to it? According to my census, no, but they learn to deal with it. They learn to call each other to make sure they are alright, to offer help, etc.

That same day I witnessed my first (and hopefully last) siren (I'll be back in Israel in August). I was surprised at how calmly I reacted to the situation - running out of the car, kneeling down in someone's back yard and opening the door to a stranger's house to hide in their meclad (bomb shelter). The image of the twelve year old girl hysterically crying the entire time we were there is something that I won't be able to shake from my head for long. Yet, I was calm...that is until we got into the car. I can honestly say that for the first time in my many times in Israel I felt genuinely scared. Then we attended a funeral.

As my cousin told me earlier that morning (when he called to make sure the bombs in Nahariyya weren't too near us), "your trip just keeps getting better and better." It was a rough trip, but it also taught me that people are people and must always remain humane. Strangers often help more than relatives and the arab/german doc that said "gazuntheit" made the patient's day, unlike the Russian nurse who rushed in to take blood without gloves and ran out even quicker when her cell phone rang.

I can go on for hours, but I will say one thing as my stop is near, I love Israel. It is my country and yours. I don't defend all military action, I don't condemn the killing of civilians, but I support my cause. Until the world wakes up and realizes what monster we are fighting and unite against it, nothing will change. Terror happens everywhere (Israel, NY, Paris, London, Spain, Buenos Aires, Mumbai) and it's not just hatred toward "JUICE" (hyperlink to follow) it's a hatred for peace, for humanity, for progress. It's disgust with all things civilized and fanatic belief in made up stories. It's terror that makes this world a scary place.

So please, don't sit quietly and watch one-sided news - join networks, fb groups, attend funddraisers, but really, really, really support Israel in the fight against a world enemy - Terror!

(For links, feel free to email or comment)

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January 8, 2009

Surreal Day

I won't preach and I won't be long, but until the world sees terrorism for what it is, NOTHING will change. You don't get used to bomb fire, the wail of the siren or the loss of loved ones. Yes, the human is designed to withtand a large amount of stress, loss and pain. Yet, it doesn't hurt less each time. The War generation (as I call them, because I don't know the technical term) is slowly (or quickly, depending how you look at it) going and no generation had as much hardships as them - war, loss, immigration, sickness. Yet, they are strong, stronger than most of us that are a third of their age. They suffered greatly and as hard as it is, for some the suffering is done.

The last two weeks have been a crazy whirlwind. What was supposed to be a few weeks of rest turned into hecticism. I won't write more now, because I don't want those reading to worry, but once I'm back home, I promise to be more explicit.

L.A. may your soul rest in peace and may you know that your loved ones were with you from beginning to the end and what you weren't so sure of, really happened the way you wanted it to.