January 20, 2009


My biggest pet-peeve is feeling underappreciated. That means in terms of everything - relationships, friendships, work, etc. Is it really that hard to say "thank you"? Is it hard to let someone know that you know they took that extra step? Everyone has been and has taken
someone and something for granted. I don't need a monument, nor do I deserve one for anything I have done up to this point in my life (let's revisit in a few years), but sometimes a simple thanks would be nice. I'll be back at my thankless job tomorrow (even if I lived there, which I practically do, it still wouldn't be enough)!

Because I don't say it enough either, thanks to those of you that read my blog out of courtesy and that read it out of curiousity. Thank you to those who have it bookmarked in your phone, in you RSS feeds or just check it from your i-phone. Thank you to those who follow it religiously and to those who follow randomly and thank you to those reading for the first time.

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  1. YOU WELCOME! :)

    that is sooo friggin' TRUE!
    ppl dont appreciate others anymore...what kind of world do we live in...

  2. Thanks for writing =)

    It's always nice when people acknowledge your efforts, support you, make you feel like you matter. I agree that many people these days have this sense of entitlment, and aren't grateful for anything.

    That being said, here's some armchair philosophy for the day:

    If you're saying you feel underappreciated, that means you draw happiness and fullfillment from other people -- their attention to you, their perceptions of you, etc -- and that's a dangerous thing. When you look to others to fulfill you, you're only going to be disappointed. If you're always doing things "for others" then you will never get the thanks you deserve. Altruisim is not rewarded because it is a philosphically "bad" concept. When you're personally fullfilled and do things for yourself, no altruism involved, just the purely selfish desire to make yourself and others happy, then you don't need others to be grateful to you.

    And you get that one all for free!!!

    Seriously, read Fountainhead dude!


    One thing that this post made me thing of is that lady who is suing the good samaritan who tried to rescue her from a burning car. He pulled her out trying to save her life, but apparanetly he pulled her the wrong way or something and she is in pain now (rather than...ugh...dead) and she's suing him. How's that for ungrateful? LOL

  3. Thank you for reading!

    I will get to Fountainhead . . . I promise. As for the armchair philosophy, well you do things because of your own self-fulfillment, enjoyment, etc. Yet, at the end of the day, when everything is said and done, a simple "Thank You" is nice to hear. That's all.

    As far as stupid people go, unfortunately there's a lot of them - ungrateful, stupid SOB's. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  4. lol =)
    have you read the poem on my blog?
    sigh, people are just...beyond comprehension

  5. I appreciate you :-) Especially all of your wonderful wedding advice!!! Don't let the unappreciative get you down, you're awesome!
