January 8, 2009

Surreal Day

I won't preach and I won't be long, but until the world sees terrorism for what it is, NOTHING will change. You don't get used to bomb fire, the wail of the siren or the loss of loved ones. Yes, the human is designed to withtand a large amount of stress, loss and pain. Yet, it doesn't hurt less each time. The War generation (as I call them, because I don't know the technical term) is slowly (or quickly, depending how you look at it) going and no generation had as much hardships as them - war, loss, immigration, sickness. Yet, they are strong, stronger than most of us that are a third of their age. They suffered greatly and as hard as it is, for some the suffering is done.

The last two weeks have been a crazy whirlwind. What was supposed to be a few weeks of rest turned into hecticism. I won't write more now, because I don't want those reading to worry, but once I'm back home, I promise to be more explicit.

L.A. may your soul rest in peace and may you know that your loved ones were with you from beginning to the end and what you weren't so sure of, really happened the way you wanted it to.

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