What's with all the excitement? Well, for starters it's nice to leave before 9, get (at the very least eye rest from staring at the screen all day), not eat takeout and be peacefully exhausted and stressed out at home instead of the office.
It's the little things that make me happy. It's always the little things that make us happy. I don't care that I'm standing or that the dude behind me reeks of alcohol or that the little asian man pushed me out of the way. I'm happy that I'm going home. I'm happy that I can blog. I am thankful for the little things. At the end of the day, it's the details that enrich our lives. It's the five-minute call or a three word text that matters. It's the flowers on a random Tuesday. It's the question from mama, "did you eat yet?" and the statement from papa, "I bought this kolbasa" (even though he knows I won't eat it).
It's my sister emailing me 3000 hideous dresses because she trusts my taste. It's my manager saying "thanks for staying." It's my cousin diligently leaving comments on my blog. It's hubs making me dinner. It's J texting me to find out if I got home okay. It's changing the name from "Ted" to "Theodore" and "Mike" to "Michael" so that the client doesn't come back with changes. It's the rounding of $12 to the first partner. It's K convincing me to sign up for pilates. It's the extra hour of time to find an invitation, a favor, a dress. It's the extra thought that makes a great party. It's $150 for custom stamps and a tuxedo for B (a bulldog). It's the emails to the bridesmaids. It's a phone call to ask for an opinion. It's a drink with old friends. It's a Sarbucks Triple Grande Skim Latte expensed on a Monday morning because we just worked the entire weekend. It's "can I help you?" and it's "mwa." It's all the little things in no particular order that make up our existence. It's ALWAYS the little things.
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