February 16, 2009


I am still me, but I'm older (not wiser), my propeller no longer works with the same speed as it used to. Maybe it not me, it's you?

Maybe working over 120 in a two-week cycle is beginning to catch up with me? Maybe I'm just tired of the mundaness? Maybe I need to change my hair again? It's easier then changing my life (and it's something I do at an average of 3 times a year). I've made friends and lost friends and found them again. I've gone through school, various jobs and a plethora of names/faces/clothes. I am tired, but I can't sit still. Even if the propeller isn't spinning at the same speed, as long as whatever those things are called are turning, I will be the same'ol me. (No rhyme intended).

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1 comment:

  1. 120?


    And this entry made me think of Karlson for some reason...


    I hope you get a rest and get to do something fun and relaxing soon
