February 10, 2009

Random Tuesday

No, I didn't get flowers, but I did leave work early enough to take the train, and to blog. I know I've been neglecting this pastime lately. As I have many others like photography, shopping and just hanging with friends. Yes, work takes a lot out of me, but mostly it's just laziness, lack of encouragement and drama?. Maybe the drama isn't a bad thing. Life has always been complicated and with each passing day, more "stuff" happens. Maybe its the lack of inspiration.

To recap, besides work and my bed I haven't seen much of anything or anyone lately. But we have made progress in planning my friend's bridal shower. Nobody has the time. Everyone works, everyone wants to participate and everyone is tired and doesn't know where to start. Enter, Alla. I'm not tired, I don't work, I just have good ideas and I
know how to make them happen. I am so in the wrong field. Until some potential clients come my way and enough of them to make me leave, there will be no work-life balance. We are meeting the recruiter for beers after busy season to see what he can offer. I did manage to escape to a wonderful dinner with the "I" girls at the Woo on Saturday
and to see "he's just not that into you" (I realize it's supposed to be cap, but I'm too tired) with a whole bunch of girls on Friday. It was my girls and my work girls and everyone was ready to pass out by the time the movie ended. J passed out at the movie, in the car.

Oh so it's official (supposedly), which means I can blog about it. Two of my "favorite" managers are now dating. After last busy season, she is getting a divorce and transferred groups and he broke up with his long-term, live-with girlfriend. And they say office romance isn't possible! The K-1 parties till 3 am make anything possible!

There's a lot of politics at work and few are PC, but I want March 1st to come and go and see what develops. It's a shaky world with a very shaky economy, but sometimes you gotta shake it up a bit more!


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  1. I saw that movie with Steve on Vday, I thought it was really cute! Anna (Scarlet's character) was slightly whorish for pushing the married man to be with her, but you can't push someone who doesn't want to be pushed I guess.


  2. The movie was cute, but I guess I expected more out of it. Then again, when you have an all star cast, it's a setup for disaster. I felt that it was a bit too dragged out, but had some cute stuff. Now, this past Friday I saw "Confessions of a shopaholic" and totally loved it. I guess my expectations were low and it proved to be a very cute feel good movie.
