September 27, 2007


Михаил Лермонтов 1840

И скучно и грустно, и некому руку подать
В минуту душевной невзгоды...
Желанья!.. что пользы напрасно и вечно желать?..
А годы проходят - все лучшие годы!

Любить... но кого же?.. на время - не стоит труда,
А вечно любить невозможно.
В себя ли заглянешь? - там прошлого нет и следа:
И радость, и муки, и всё там ничтожно...

Что страсти? - ведь рано иль поздно их сладкий недуг
Исчезнет при слове рассудка;
И жизнь, как посмотришь с холодным вниманьем вокруг -
Такая пустая и глупая шутка...

1 comment:

  1. Decorate me not, with your labels:
    Like a dress I have outgrown,
    They sit awkwardly upon me,
    Not belonging; peeling off;
    Stifling my soul with the narrowness
    To which you confine me.

    They let you imagine me
    As what you wish me to be.

    Paint me not with your hues;
    Each of you perceives me
    Through the tint of your own eyes
    And sort me like candy.
    Then you accuse me: like a chameleon,
    Of changing color with every view.

    In truth, it is you who view me in colors,
    And you, whose perceptions change.

    Fashion me not in your shapes:
    I am not soft clay to be molded;
    I have a form and contour
    That cannot be changed with force;
    Your compulsion may break me
    But it cannot re-sculpt me.

    I do not need to look like you:
    It is you who need me to fit in.

    Stop trying to define me—
    I defy your simplistic definitions,
    Do not hope to classify me:
    I do not fit in your pretty categories.
    Do not try to remodel me,
    I have been modeled as I was meant to be

    I am. And proud to be.

    Accept me.
