September 20, 2007

Jaded 2007

This year, the year of the “fire pig” has been hell for many of us. So many things have changed – friendships destroyed, relationships fallen apart, health deteriorated, people losing jobs and the list goes on. Is it really the year? This year? Or is it every year? Is it every year that’s bad and we keep on looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and all we get is the headlights of another oncoming train?

We are all a bit jaded; sometimes looking at life through pink glasses, sometimes through dark ones and sometimes through dirty ones, making everything just a bit fuzzier. We scream and we pick the wrong choice of words. We cry and often there’s not a shoulder near. In the end, it somehow falls into place and we move on, life goes on and we start anew – looking to the next year, hoping that it will be better, but problems don’t go away if they are not resolved and new ones always seem to creep up when you least expect them and when you have no clue as to how to even begin to deal with them. We grow up and troubles seem to multiply and this world isn’t this beautiful place that it was even a year ago. . .


  1. That is a really good post, very adult and very grounded :)

  2. Are you implying to me with the dirty glasses? Loe the post
