September 26, 2007

From a conversation with a friend. . .

All names have been randomly changed for the privacy of the individuals.

Chat: Kate is evidently miserable with Mike or she like hates him or something
Chat: Dina is miserable in general, I mean that is apparently her best character trait
Chat: I am unaccomplished and since I have the potential to be, but can't get there I am miserable
Chat: You have all this stuff going on that to think of, makes people miserable, so you are like double miserable
Chat: Mark is MISERABLE
Chat: Simon, is still miserable, but will be happy
Chat: Jane wants to get married but John isnt the person she wants to marry but the marriage idea is so overpowering that she will in turn, be misreable as well
Chat: Caroline is miserable because she feels like she is always miserable
Chat: Do you not see a theme???

Why can't we all be happy? Not co-dependedly happy, but happy on our own and in turn making each other happy?

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