October 25, 2007

Internet, finally!

And the wonderful internet is back!

We are in Cordoba (after Seville and Granada), I'd love to post some pics, but right now the PC is going bananas on me, so I'll try in a bit. I'm in sooooooooo much pain - my back is absolutely gone and I think I've lost all power in my legs - our trip has been one of extreme tourism, but there's few corners of these three southern cities that we haven't seen, so I guess it's worth it, no pain, no gain.

Before I go on, HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY, DANIK!

Again, I'm sorry for missing your birthday, but I hope you enjoy your present, grow big and be a good boy!

I'm too lazy to type and it's true, a picture is worth a 1000 words, so I'll play around with blogger in a bit and try to get a few of the best ones (from an average of 300 a day) up.

he he . . .

as always,
hope all is well,

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