December 4, 2007


The Top Ten Reasons Why Everyone Should Celebrate Hanukkah
10 No big, fat guy getting stuck in your chimney
9 Cleaning wax off your menorah is slightly easier than dismantling an 8-foot tall fir tree
8 Compare: chocolate gelt vs. fruitcake
7 You get to learn cool new words like "Kislev" and "far-shtoonken-ah"
6 No brutal let-down when you discover that Santa Claus isn't real
5 Your neighbors are unlikely to complain about how your menorah is blinding them senseless
4 It's like a big reunion when everyone gathers at the Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve
3 In a holiday character face-off, Judah Macabee could kick Frosty's butt
2 No need to clean up big piles of reindeer poop off your roof
And the Number One reason why everyone should celebrate Hanukkah is:
None of that Naughty-Nice Stuff EVERYONE GETS LOOT !!!

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