December 6, 2007

Random Thought #562147

Coming across an interesting blog I stumbled upon online, I realized that I haven't written in a while. And yes, I update fairly frequently with pictures and quotes and other weird things I find on the web, but I haven't written in a long time. The words don't come that easily anymore. Maybe I'm spending way too much time on facebook and maybe it's that I have so many thoughts lately that it's hard to just put them down on paper. . .or word processor, rather. Does anyone even use that term anymore? Word Processor? Is it just word? Is it just assumed that we type everything these days? There's no more handwritten letters, no more love notes, no more notes passed around in class. Now it's texting, iming, emailing and blogging. Where's the human communication? Where's the need to hear a human voice? What's the point if all we do, is go eat anyway (usually in Anyway).

I guess that's my ramblings at 11:29 p.m. Maybe something more interesting will occur to me. Keep Reading. :-)

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