June 16, 2008


My friend Kate gave me a book to read a few weeks ago, but because it's a hardcover, I was hesitant to carry it back and forth on the train. Well, Friday I finally took it with me and by 1 am this morning, I was done. I read the entire novel on one breath and simply could not put it down. Laced with historical events spanning the last 50 years, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a novel about endurance and the human heart's unlimited capacity to love. A person can endure so many hardships both physical and emotional, yet go on living, loving and even having children.

A Thousand Splendid Suns is about forgiveness, about war, about revenge, about children and about rebuilding and starting over. I highly recommend this novel to everyone who's loved, who's lost, who went on. It will also give the reader a very different perspective on "the war on terror" that we've been fighting since 9/11. Kite Runner by the same author is next on my list.

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