June 11, 2008

A girl like me

That's an alias for one of the contributors to a blog I follow, but what does it mean? She's quirky and neurotic? She is smart but doesn't live up to her full potential? She's pretty, but not beautiful? She's normal weight, but not thin. She would rather read a book than watch TV? She knows what she wants out of life and is determined to get it? She's a hopeless romantic but hates sappy chick flicks? She complains a LOT, usually not intentionally? She is loyal and puts others before herself? She has great taste and a bruised ego? She needs attention more than air? She has red hair which changes with the seasons and huge green eyes? She will always help a friend in need? She's creative and has a "good eye", but hasn't found her outlet yet? Etc. Etc. Etc???

How can someone's personality be summarized in a few sentences, especially someone as multifaceted as a girl like me? "We're all unique, just like everyone else" and I'm not more like her than she's like me...

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