June 9, 2008

Random Thought #385264

Mark and Lily's wedding proved to be a success and I have made new contacts that will hopefully bring me future clients and if not, they were great people to meet. Besides, if nothing else I'm getting PhotoShop lessons out of it. As with every wedding there are always things that go wrong, that I will not dwelve into the details here since Lily is a close friend for many years and I was a bridesmaid (I think there's a code against that, similar to "what happens in Vegas....)

Either way, I think Lily and Mark have set the bar for all future weddings that I attend - they truly enjoyed their wedding! My wish for Lily and Mark is to remain with the same smile from ear to ear throughout their lives and to dodge all of life's curveballs hand in hand. There was a moment that juts out from my memory to epitomize their wedding - as we were adjusting Lily's dress and pinning her tail, she couldn't wait to run back inside because, "I don't want to miss it.". Mazel Tov, guys! Health, love and respect is my wish for you both!

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