July 11, 2008


I've lost many things in my life - my keys, my phone, my boyfriends and even my mind. But, nothing is comprable to the loss of a loved one. I lost my grandfather two weeks before I turned three, so I can't really recall what it felt like then. When my sister left to the States, I was seven, and although I knew our separation wasn't permanent, I didn't know when I would see her again. I cried uncontrollably. My mom, grandmother and aunt couldn't calm me down for hours after the train had left.

At 18, I lost my grandmother. Being her only grandchild (and my mom the only child), I had no one to share my grief with - I had to be strong for my mom. My grandmother's funeral was the first that I attended - and I gave the eulogy, because my mom couldn't speak.

On Monday I lost my other grandmother very quickly and unexpectedly. I was not alone - my grandmother left behind two sons, five granddaughters and 4 great-grandkids, but it doesn't dull the pain. It doesn't leave an explanation and it doesn't make you not wish that you had at least an extra minute to say goodbye.

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1 comment:

  1. Your Grandma was blessed to have a family who care for her.May her soul rest in peace, by the love you people show on her
