January 11, 2007


I feel like I haven't posted in a while and at the same time I am not sure what to say. Well, to start, with the holidays behind us and tax season fast upon us, I'd like to inform you that I will be doing tax returns this year and please do not wait unitl April 15 to come and see me (Dasha)!

What else?

After almost six years at FMC Construction, I am leaving. I am starting at KPMG on February 5, 2007. I will be working in Financial Services Tax Group. It's both scary and exciting. My hours will be killer and my commute, let's not even talk about my commute. It all happened very fast and while I'm looking forward to it, it's a big change and hopefully all will go smoothly. As for shortening my commute, we'll be moving in the near future. The question right now is where?

Brooklyn? Staten Island? It's all up for grabs at this point...we'll see what happens.

Тот, кто знает, чего хочет, или слишком мало хочет, или слишком много знает.

1 comment:

  1. Can we vote on where your next residence should be?
