January 16, 2007

Maybe It's Me...

Since I was a little girl I felt that there was nobody in the world that understood me, not 100% anyway. I always felt different somehow. As I grew up and developed relationships with people other than my family, that feeling went away, but not completely. Lately, I feel like I've been fighting with people that I care about the most and while some arguments are petty and some serious, doesn't it take two to tango?

Arguments, disagreements, quarrels, disputes, differences of opinion and squabbles are inevitable in any type of relationship. It's how we fight that differentiates one spat from the next and one relationship from another. We get angry for different reasons and it is only with people that we truly care about that we argue. An argument is an essential part of any relationship, whether romantic, parent/child, sibling or friend, but is the best defense to an argument a good offense?

"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win." -Jonathan Kozol

* * *
A stupid argument
- a squabble
The more you do
- the less they care
Perhaps the trouble
- is with yourself
Anger welling up inside
- tears pouring down
The more you give
- the more you drown
In the thoughts of
- someone else
Perhaps it's better not to worry
- not to look
Ignorance is heaven
- & I'm stuck in hell
Maybe it's not the disagreement
- maybe it's me

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right we all get angry for different reasons, and the reason why most of us fight for so long is because we fail to understand why the other person got angry in the first place. So the best offense maybe taking a good look at the argument and try to understand what really happened.
