February 1, 2008


Riding on the "B" train to work, I thought that I can use my commute (and my berry) for something productive. Yet, I already passed Church Street and nothing intelligent comes to mind. I have thoughts circling my brain at a rate of 3027 per minute, yet I feel that they are (for the most part) too private to share with the world.

Someone (Rizhik) recently suggested that I have an anonymous blog, but then I'll loose the limited readers that I have - my friends and family. Although, I've been getting miscellaneous hits from all over the world, I doubt that I'd have the same success sharing my innermost thoughts. Then again, you never know!

To go in a completely different direction, today is groundhog day?, wear red for heart disease day (I'm wearing a red sweater), and my personal favorite, National-hug-a-Jew day! I hope to get many hugs today (hopefully not from random strangers). Enjoy your day, keep readings and maybe soon I'll find something interesting to write about - the book "eat, pray, love" by Elizabeth Gilbert that I recently finished reading, superbowl weekend (go giants!, I guess) or some other random thoughts that may enter my disturbed mind.

As I'm crossing the Brooklyn Bridge (my favorite bridge in New York), peace, love and smiles to all and hugs to all the jews (at least for today!)

P.S. I realize there are a lot of run-ons and other grammatical mistakes in this post, but in the days of modern technology and my random mindset-deal with it! (Though, that's not really an excuse, it's just really annoying to edit on this thing - it's a phone, damn it!!!) I love technology!

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