April 28, 2008

C'est la vie!

It's amazing how much the human heart can tolerate and still go on. After (finally) watching La Vie en Rose last night (and hysterically crying through half of it) it really hit home how much we as human beings can survive. We need the will, the perseverence and a little bit of luck.

And these were my favorite lines from the movie - in an interview with an American Journalist:
Journalist: If you were to give advice to a woman, what would it be?
Edith Piaf: Love.
Journalist: To a young girl?
Edith Piaf: Love.
Journalist: To a child?
Edith Piaf: Love.

Perhaps, love is all we really need. I am jumping around (as usual), but that's my train of thought - a complete jumble - of ideas, emotions, thoughts, so I'll keep yapping . . . or rather typing since it's so much easier to see my thougts in black and white. . .I recently received a gift from my cousin in Israel, a book by Byron Katie and while I'm reading it, there's a few things that really make sense:

"We all do emotional gymnastics to be seen as wonderful or funny-just to get what we already have. And because we are doing the gymnastics, we don't see that we already have it." We fail to see what's often right in front of our nose because we build the illusion that something is not as we want it to be, and because it's not exactly how we created it in our minds, it's automatically wrong, bad and everyone else is at fault. Perhaps, that's not the right way of going about this. Perhaps, we can change. Perhaps, c'est la vie.

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