April 25, 2008

Manolos, Loboutin, Choos and other Such Shoes

Most people are well aware of my weakness - shoes . . . Whether they are knee high boots, strappy sandals, casual flats or daring stillettos - it's "OMIGOD SHOES!" While I'm a proud ownder of Manolos, Choos and other known and not so well known designers, I'm yet to own a pair of Loboutins. As Carrie says on one infamous episode of Sex and the City while passing the Loubotin boutique in New York, "Hello Lover." I pass by Saks every day on my way to work and although I try to stop myself from making frequent visits to the enormous 8th floor shoe salon, sometimes a girl needs a lunchtime pick me up!

I'm not sure why I'm writing about shoes, mainly because they make me happy. And now that spring has sprung and it seems that all of Manhattan is wearing skirts - shoes are that much more evident. Speaking of skirts and Manhattan - if you DO NOT have the legs to wear a skirt, please put on Pants! It seems that everyone and I mean EVERYONE is wearing a skirt, a dress or tights and I'm all for "if you've got it flaunt it," but if you don't, please for all of us, cover it up! :-)

Fashion Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly. -Author Unknown


  1. Мода - настолько невыносимая разновидность уродства,
    что приходиться менять её каждые полгода.
    (Оскар Уайльд)

    "Стиль - это человек!" Как мало было бы на Земле жителей.
    (Станислав Лец)

  2. I love the Oscar Wilde quote, thanks for adding it.
