May 16, 2008

April showers won't let up, although it’s May. My head is spinning and I cannot concentrate on anything. Maybe there are no selfless deeds, but does everything have to have an ulterior motive behind it? Can't you just be nice to your friends? Your family? I feel like I'm rambling...I probably am. . .

. . .going back to the technology ramble, I had lunch with a friend today whom I haven't seen in the last 10 years. She came down from Chicago for only a day and unfotunately, we missed each other yesterday. We went to Camp Rising Sun together in 1998 and lost touch over the years. There were 50+ other people that went to camp with us from all over the world that I lost contact with until recently when I got an invitation to a group on Facebook followed by friend requests. We reconnected and a bunk mate from Norway was even here a few weeks ago. It was so great seeing all these grown-up women with carreers and college degrees, married, engaged, etc. Since I last remember them we were 14 - 15 year old teenagers.

On odnoklassniki I found a girl who lived in my building and went to my school. We were inseparable. Two of my 1st grade classmates found me - one is a journalist in Kiev and one does site design. The world is getting much smaller and although there are [many] downsides, there are many positives too. The same friend that I saw today, posted a status message on FB about being frustrated with her taxes and seeing that, I emailed her and helped her out with her returns. I emailed my cousin in Israel since he's in the army and I have no other contact with him. I have a blog and when I was about 15 I started writing a book until my computer crashed and died taking my hours of writing of prose, poetry and other randomness with it. Until I have that willpower again, it's just musings on this pointless blog with all of its three readers.

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