May 5, 2008

It's Spring again . . .

The showers are gone, it's sunny and I'm back at work and sleepy. For some strange reason I just couldn't fall asleep last night. At 4:15 am, I was still up despite the fact that I had an 8:45 meeting this morning. I'm not sure if it's the mosquito that kept biting me, my full stomach or my [random] thoughts that just wouldn't let me rest. So now it's Monday morning, I have a pile of work, no desire to do it and my eyes are closing and my blackberry is dead until my new one comes (hopefully tomorrow) - Sounds like a beginning of a great week . . .

. . . the weekend was busy, yet fun - went to see Made of Honor, attended a surprise birthday party for another friend and topped it off with brunch at Blinnaya and another birthday dinner. So another weekend bit the dust and now we are at the beginning of yet another looong week - followed by more birthday celebrations, taping of love stories and whatever else just might come up.

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