May 28, 2008

Thought Provoking Discussion

I want to start a discussion and in order to do so I can't really write about the waste-of-time sample sale that I'm coming from, the annoying day at work or even my trip to L.A.. If my attention starved ego wants comments, I need something interesting to about.

What's interesting about the commute home on a crowded subway? What's interesting about the blistering pain in my feet or the splitting headache that I have? You're correct - nothing, but it can be. Some of the best novels ever written are based on everyday events of everyday lives. Maybe if I lost the pretense of "me" I'd be able to write more interestingly - changing the names and revealing the lives of people around me. Yet, I still want to have friends to talk to and haven't come up with a clever pseudonym to exhibit my innermost thoughts, crazy ideas and intense feelings to the world.

But what if I did? What if I become the blogger that gets published? What if I become a household name by transcribing my life story? What if nobody wants to read it?

Until I have the courage to put my thoughts through a word processor, they will be locked in the sanctums of my head, my heart and a gazillion emails, notes, letters, photos and other such nonsense. For now, I'll just be Alla, a tax accountant, event planner and blogger on a quest to discover what it is that I really want to do with my much for a thought provoking post.

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  1. this is wayyy too deep, even for me...but remember one thing, even if you do use a "clever pseudonym", ill still know its you writing, and who/what you are writing about...i got it like that =)

  2. seems like a bit of a clusterfuck of thoughts. why don't you try it and see what happens but then who would know that you did.

  3. JG,
    you may know as long as you know the medium through which I write...and with anonymity and the world wide web, you can have no idea what to look for. . .

    I didn't get your comment at first, so I reread it a few times, and you're right - it's a two sided coin, I'm afraid to write honestly for fear of being recognized and I'm scared to write without possible recognition (and I'm not talking Pulitzer prize, I'm talking readership). . .maybe I'm just scared to get it all out there, maybe it's better kept private, maybe I'm lazy, maybe I'm afraid of the unknown. . .
