December 4, 2006

Happy Birthday!

December has become almost as busy as April and I'd like to wish everyone celebrating their birthday this week much health, wealth, love and happiness! All the very best!

Dec 3 Jackie, we are going for drinks soon enough!
Dec 4 Annechka, success in everything that you do!
Dec 5 Linochka, my favorite sister, all the very, very best!
Dec 5 Lenny, enjoy your vacation!
Dec 7 Pasha & Lina, Happy 10 Year Anniversary!
Dec 7 Dima, may your dochenka bring only smiles to your face!
Dec 7 Kieran, all the best!
Dec 8 Perry, not that you'll ever read this, but Happy Birthday!


  1. allachka, what a doll!!! you best believe we're going out for drinks!!! Thanks for all your warm wishes! May only the best go our way!
    me (jackie) ;) mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
