October 13, 2008

from fiords to foreplay

Friday birthday dinner at the Woo was followed by an early mani/pedi, breakfast with Julie and eight hours of searching for Madonna tickets. To my great disappointment, I didn't get tickets to Saturday's concert (f***ing scalpers), but ended up going out with a bunch of friends to (where else?) Anyway. Six, quickly turned to eight, to ten, to fifteen and at this point, I really have no idea who was there. It was a good time. We drank, we talked, we laughed and we woke up at 7:30 am to go to Mohonk. The morning started off with the "wrong" bagels, conversations about the fiords & world's tallest mountains and sleepily arriving at this estate. A day of hiking, picture-taking (photos to follow on fotki) and good company left us exhilarated. It was something different, something fun, something active and something to let me practice with my new camera.

The ride back wasn't terrible either, despite the 4(?) hours of traffic. We played "Dead Man" (a game I swear Dasha invented), argued about Route 17, discussed some people we knew and the difference of foreplay for men and women, amongst other things. We talked about relationships, paying for sex and the reasons people cheat. It was a great time and I'm sure most of you would rather hear about foreplay than fiords, but as with all my good stories, "you just had to be there!"


  1. some helpful definitions:

    n : a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs; common in Norway

    n : sexual activity that precedes intercourse

  2. Thanks, J

    That's very helpful, but if I'm posting about it, I obviously know what both mean . . . :-)

  3. those definitions were for people reading your blog....not for you

  4. Thanks for the clarification . . . there's always dictionary.com :-)

  5. oh em gee!! I finally figured out how to leave a comment

    iz....loves it!!

  6. The pictures are beautiful. I want to go there :)
