October 14, 2008

What's easier?

While walking through the paths of Mohonk, Robert Frost's poem kept coming to mind:

"Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by"

But do we really take the less traveled road or do we often take the eas(ier) way out? It's easier to give up then to fight for something. Yet, it may not be easier to live with that choice. Whether we are dealing with fighting for life, for love or for Madonna tickets, should we fight till the end or does there come a point where it's
better to let go-to pull the plug, to move on, to go out drinking instead? Do we really let go? It depends how we define letting go. Is giving up the same as letting go? Is moving on the same? Is giving up really the easy way out? Again, I think it all depends on our definition, and there are many synonyms that don't quiet sound the same...

...What's worth fighting for?

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