October 20, 2008

I got an invite to contribute to a blog community of Twenty-Somethings. It's flattering to know that strangers are reading my blog and are interested in what I have to say. They even followed up, because I don't remember reading the email last week. Well, like with anything, before I sign up, I have to do some due diligence and find out what's there to read on the site. I was surprised to find some very interesting reading. For example:

Crystal Ball
30 Books
Is there really such a thing as soulmates? Really?
One line stood out from this post, "...You can only get hurt by people who mean a great deal to you." My own definition of love and soulmates changes through the years. I used to be on the debate team, I can argue any side of the argument, but that line just hit home. To be continued . . .

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