October 21, 2008

A million by 35...

As October 15 neared the calls/emails/invitations on LinkedIn tripled. They all sound great, but how do you choose? I'm not in the market for a job, per se, but some offers sound quiet tempting. Of course there are the mass emails that everyone in our group gets, but then there are the private messages that say, "we want you." They [recruiters] are ego boosters that make you feel confident, but somewhere in the back of your mind you know that if you get hired, they are making a hefty commission.

There's one recruiter, that's a bit friendly that I've been speaking to for about a year now. He's charismatic and has Big 4 experience, so that makes him a bit more trustworthy. He always gives me a big head, but today he told me not one, but two interesting things: (1) a competitor firm is looking for tax people and offering 20% more (I interviewed with them when I was doing my MST and didn't get hired) (2) "stick with me and you'll be making a million at 35, and you can
quote me on that."

So, I'm quoting him, if nothing else...I can reread my blog in 10 years. The offer does sound extremely tempting though, but am I ready to switch? Should I switch? I am getting offers when people are getting laid off, am I being greedy? Am I that good or is the economy really not that bad? There's a guy standing next to me reading a book called, Millionaire...me, a millionaire by 35...hmmm...I can also be partner by 35 (if I don't make anymore enemies with my managers).

When is a good time to leave? Is it smart to jump one Big 4 to the next? Does anyone have any unbiased advice? What about being my own boss? Having a social life? Family life? Grrrr...decisions don't get easier with time, they get harder.

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