October 2, 2008


For the first time in my recent memory, we actually have autumn. We didn't go from blistering heat to unbearable cold, we are transitioning. Many people, however are having a hard time transitioning their closets. New York weather has always and will
always be unpredictable, but that's not an excuse to be wearing flip-flops when it's 54 degrees outside. Similarly, when the weather drops from 80 to 70 degrees, it doesn't give you an excuse to dig out your Uggs or Valenki.

New York is a city of contrasts and if you think you haven't seen weird just get on a rush-hour train. For example, there's a man sitting across from me who is perfectly color-coordinated - wearing olive green pants with a buttondown shirt that's just a shade (or two) lighter. Topping his outfit off. is not the rings and bracelets on his
hands and not even his yellow tie, but a matching fedora hat. (I think he felt me blogging about him and got out on the last stop). Within my field of vision are sneakers, loafers, flip-flops, boots and the ever-famous Tory Burch flats (what's up with EVERYONE wearing them? They are not that cute!). There are T-shirts, long sleeves, trench-coats, wool coats, sweatshirts and blazers.

My own closet went through a major overhaul last weekend as I was off and the seasons changed. Now I can wear all my cute jackets and shoes. This is the best weather for shoes as long as it doesn't rain! And even if it does, I have a great pair of boots! I love fall.

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  1. i liked this one:) -lorochka

  2. Cute. You should blog more about random people you see on the train and their outfits. I went shopping yesterday and I LOVE the colors this season...all the blues and purples and purply pinks. Good for the aestheic of NY...back for my wallet.

  3. I meand bad for my wallet
    Spelling is not my forte
