July 20, 2007

Another cool looking show . . .


Peter Jay Sharp Theatre, 416 West 42nd Street, NYC

This new musical by Albert Tapper is a look into vignettes of therapy sessions conducted by a genuinely caring practitioner. Dr. Peter Peterson listens, advises and cajoles patients who experience marital squabbles, physical and emotional abuse, and innocent and harmless neuroses. The group includes a bickering couple whose marriage just won't go away, a rich kid who found his voice in Bob Dylan, a reluctant man who has longed for the same woman for 15 years, a young woman who has spent so much time in therapy she might get out, a billionaire who finds no solace in his money, a strong willed woman with a dark secret, and a provocative siren in high heels. At the end of the day, Peterson questions his own abilities which he discusses with his own therapist. Sessions offers a look into the familiar worlds of self-help, personal growth and those long hours that many have spent on a therapists couch. The cast features Bertilla Baker (Titanic), Amy Bodnar (Oklahoma!), Al Bundonis, David Patrick Ford, Scott Richard Foster (Brooklyn the Musical), Jim Madden (Hello, Dolly!), Kelli Maguire (A Wonderful Life), Trisha Rapier (The Boy from Oz), Matthew Shepard (Beauty and the Beast) and Ed Reynolds Young, under the directions of Steven Petrillo.

Available Dates

Sundays: July 22nd 3:00PM

Tuesdays: July 24th 8:00PM

Wednesdays: July 25th 8:00PM

Saturdays: July 21st 2:00PM, July 21st 8:00PM

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