July 9, 2007

“You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Just finished watching another Woody Allen movie, Husbands and Wives. First of all, I totally love Woody Allen. Second, his dark comedies are always insightful and at the end of the day it's really whatever works for you. No two people are alike and definitely no two relationships and if you can make it together in this crazy world, and fnd your happiness, somehow, well then be it.

And here's a few of my favorite Woody Allen quotes (no entry would be complete without them)

-I tended to place my wife under a pedestal.

-I think being funny is not anyone's first choice.

-Marriage is the death of hope.

-I want to tell you a terrific story about oral contraception. I asked this girl to sleep with me and she said 'No.'

-I've never been an intellectual but I have this look.

-Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right.

-It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.

-Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions.

-Sex is like having dinner: sometimes you joke about the dishes, sometimes you take the meal seriously.

-I will always have this penchant for what I call kamikaze women. I call them kamikazes because they, you know they crash their plane, they're self-destructive. But they crash into you, and you die along with them. (Gabe Roth, Husbands and Wives)

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