skyrockets, inflation rises and interest falls, in an election year, nonetheless, the results aren't pretty. My 401(k) is down 10% and I realize that on the grand scheme of things it may be nothing, but my 401(k) is at a bank which was bought out by another bank for about a dollar a share. (Is that the going rate these days?)
There's two major issues that I have - (1) I want to vote. I think that each voice (collectively) makes a difference. There's nobody to vote for. Presidential candidates aren't running on merits of their political accomplishments or goals for the betterment of this country and planet. They are running on hidden agendas, the downfalls of their opponents and the money of lobbyists. Now, here's a bright idea - instead of spending all this money on your stupid campaign and bashing advertisements, pump it into the economy by building a school (or donating to one), provide homeless housing or prolong unemployment compensation in these troubled times. I am sure that such investments would be better for the community, the country and your campaign.
Politics is dirty. It has always been dirty. So is Wall Street. We all want to live the "American Dream" as Adam Smith had envisioned it, but we have to play fair. I am a strong proponent of Darwinism in economics, but I also stand by the 10 Commandments and just downright human decency to lend a "helping hand." Not all of are meant to be millionaires. Those that are, congratulations! But if you get to be a millionaire on everyone else's merits but your own, you may be considered a smart businessman, but a jackass in my book. I have a lot more respect for the self made people in this world then those that are born with a silver spoon. I also think it's great if you are born in a "red shirt" but learn the value of it. As usual, I digress.
Politics, economics all very controversial topics in which, I am by no means an expert. I can't even provide a truly educated opinion, because I am not truly educated in the subject matter. I, like with most posts on my blog, deliver it how I see it. I see that we are living in very interesting times and I am scared.
P.S. I just re-read my post and I can't remember issue # 2. When it comes to me, I'll blog because I like the flow and don't want to edit. That's my stop. Happy New Year!
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