September 17, 2008

Will work for shoes...

Yes, that's me - workaholic who can't resist a beautiful pair of stilettos, boots, sandals, flats, etc. So after my wonderful aftertoon of drinking mimosas, nibbling on hors d'oeuvres while cruising around Manhattan mingling with my co-workers and our group's high profile client, I did what any sensible girl would do - I went shopping! (Was that a really bad run-on?) My feet were killing me from walking around in my Manolo's and luckily I bought a very cute pair of flats (amongst other things), which I wore straight out of Loehmann's. Besides, the fact that my feet were killing me, the flats are cute and I finally used up my store credit from last year, I got my 15% off birthday discount and who doesn't love a bargain?

Then, on to making a great "business" deal left me a few short blocks from one of the very best(est) shoe stores in NYC, Petit Peton [note to self, add hyperlink]. The guy forgot his name, again, damnit) was super helpful and why wouldn't he be, I walked out with [technically] two pairs of boots and a pair of Zanotti sandals to die for. So its
been a very productive evening, to say the least. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket? Happy (almost) birthday to me!

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