September 9, 2008

I blog, therefore I am

Although my "fan-base" has tremendously increased in the recent months, the commenting has significally decreased. I desperately crave the attention of my readers. Whether it's to say, "wow, that was a beautiful shot" (which I have received orally from so many of you) or "why are you writing this garbage?" I write because it puts things in perspective for me. My written language is better then my spoken language. And even though, I have a tendency to go in circles and travel in tangents even when I write, it's still much clearer than my mental jumble.

When I started my blog in late 2006, few people knew the word. Now, everyone's a blogger. Well, maybe not everyone, but two of my cousins have joined the blogosphere. It's nice when two of the more private people in your family decide to share their thoughts/feelings with the world. I a private person? When I was younger, I was an open book for anyone who cared (or didn't) care to listen. As I got older, I became more reserved - yet I still need to hear myself talk to make any sense of what's going on inside me. Now, I'm usually more selective on who I share what with and then there's the great anonymity of the net. No, obviously not on my blog. There are others, far less, or rather far more personal, yet very, very anonymous. Why? Because sharing your real feelings with everyone you know is a lot harder than sharing them with random strangers.

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  1. a simple quote comes to mind ...

    Never get a mime talking. He won't stop.
    Marcel Marceau

  2. Thanks for the quote. I'm not sure what I have to do with mimes, but it's a good quote, nonetheless.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow a deleted comment, I believe this is the first time that I have seen censorship on your blog.

    In response to your most recent blog and your dire need for comments, It might be that commenting on certain posts does not do enough to express everything you might want to say and is not the best way to hold a conversation, perhaps some of your readers are more interested in having discussions about certain posts rather just leaving a simple comment or two.

  5. The deleted comment was my own comment (I have the power to censor comments before they hit my blog, except my own. :-)

    We are living in a digital world and as much as it sucks, sometimes e-communication is the only way that we can communicate. By posting comments we can hold a virtual discussion or forum, since a real one is not always possible. I agree that it's better to talk face to face then through the veil of a computer screen. Yet, as I think I highlighted in my post, my thoughts are much clearer in writing. Plus, it's very difficult to argue with you, since you're very set in your ways and once you have your mind made up, refuse to listen, let alone hear anyone else.

  6. comment for comment - actually i think that the most private person in our family is lina

  7. what does comment for comment have to do with my post? erf.

    As for private, I don't think she's most private, she's just most secretive, but until she has a blog, let's take that conversation offline. :-)

  8. so, how come you never leave me comments? Does one need to have a blog to be comment-worthy?

  9. Are comments that important?? Does it really stroke ones' inner-ego??

  10. In reality, it just gives me perspective . . . and something new to blog about.
